Who I Work With

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People of all ages and backgrounds work with me.

  • Clients who suffer from health symptoms that defy a traditional diagnosis. Many endure neurological conditions, mobility issues, sleep challenges, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, stress and anxiety, and depression. Often they're dealing with health issues that don't fit the neat box of diagnosis, or that fail to get better with either conventional or alternative medicine. It’s a frustrating spot to be in.
  • Clients who know (or suspect) trauma is keeping them from living their lives to the fullest. They desire purpose, meaning, and connection — with themselves and others. These clients struggle to feel safe and may have felt vulnerable for a long time. Many yearn for something greater, or to regain something lost.
  • People referred by other healthcare providers (e.g. physicians, psychotherapists, osteopaths)
  • Somatic Experiencing® students who are seeking personal sessions, individual case consultations, and small group consults (all levels) for credit toward their professional SE trauma training certification.

Trauma takes many forms

  • Developmental trauma: Childhood traumas that can result from abuse, neglect, or forms of adversity such as early medical interventions.
  • Shock trauma: Triggered by single traumatic events, car accidents, medical procedures, near-death experiences or significant loss.
  • Intergenerational trauma: When clients are impacted, directly or indirectly, by the traumatic stresses of their parents and grandparents.