Feldenkrais Institute of Victoria
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the Feldenkrais Institute of victoria

Centre for Movement Education and Somatic Practice



Healing and growth for your mind and body.


Many of us are in the habit of living disconnected lives. We fail to tune in to our mind, body, and nervous system and the ways they speak to one another.

Yet our thoughts, feelings, beliefs — even the way we move — can directly impact our biology and function. Harmony between these systems is essential to our health and wellbeing.

The Feldenkrais Institute is a centre for experiential learning that supports your physical, mental and nervous system health in an integrated (and optimal) way.

What can it mean for you? Effortless movement, freedom from pain, relief from anxiety, and discovery of vitality and joy — all the things that give our lives hope and meaning.




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Upcoming ONLINE events

SE® - Small Group Consultations

Small group consultations are held online for students enrolled in the Somatic Experiencing® trauma training.


Meet Sophia

I'm Sophia Buchholz, founder of the Feldenkrais Institute of Victoria.

Let's work to move you away from the things you don't want — ailments, discomfort, and unresolved issues that hold you back — and toward growth and healing.

How I Work

Who I Work With

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